Unlock the True Potential of Your Sales Process With Video

Show Your real value. Stop getting compared on price alone

Trusted By

Some of the brands that have entrusted us with showcasing their business to the world.

Why We Exist

storydriven-video.preview-domain.com is a full-service video production company based in Brisbane, serving clients internationally. We help high ticket service providers build their brand and sell their service 24/7 on auto-pilot with Brand Story Videos.

We were born out of frustration with video marketing agencies that came before. Everything from meaningless KPIs to contracts with no end in sight.

What we realised very quickly was that businesses didn’t need more videos. They needed better videos with better distribution.

When the existing systems were simply not capable of driving predictable results, we built our own.

What We Do

We do everything from research, scripting, filming, editing all the way to paid and organic distribution. A truly end to end service.

Clients plug our systems into their business so they can get results fast without the risk of having to build a full blown in-house media team from scratch.

By doing this, they build trust with their target audience at scale on autopilot, long before their competitors do. Allowing them to drive sales predictably and reducing their costs of acquiring new customers.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Examples of Our Work

Below are some examples of the types of videos we’ve made for our clients.

Brand Story Videos

Stop being seen as just another faceless organisation. Capture your unique essence with a brand story video. Use it to sell your service 24/7 without ever looking salesy.

Product Demo Videos (Animation)

Get more demo bookings for your software by showing people what they’re getting first.

Empowerment Videos

Only a small (3%) portion of your audience is ready to buy. Build trust with everyone else by educating them. Guide them towards your solution before your competitors do.

Team Story Videos

Show future prospects the unique skills and expertise your staff bring to the table.

Short Videos

Make your brand more memorable by turning your long form content into bite sized videos, making it easy for your audience to absorb and retain your information.

Team Photos

Make your brand more human by showing the people who create your magic.

Why our clients choose to work with us?

How We're Different?

There's no shortage of options when it comes to video production for businesses. But below are some of the reasons why our clients chose to work with us.

Often we find that businesses make and publish a video. There’s a lot of buzz and excitement for some time. Then the video gets forgotten under a heap of other content. We won’t let that happen to you.

With every video we make, you will get a clear implementation plan so that you know exactly how to get the most out of them.

This will keep your videos working for you, long after the initial buzz has died off.

We only focus on making the videos your business actually needs. No spray and pray approach here. 

Every video we make is driven by strategy and targeted distribution.

This allows our clients to get results even with one video without adding new processes, systems or other external services.

Our strategies are built around getting you results without investing in new systems.

It means you don’t have to hire expensive copywriters, marketers, voice over artists, animators and so on.

You get a full service team for a fraction of the cost.

Our videos do not rely on market trends. The same goes for platforms. We do not rely on any particular platform (eg: Facebook/Linkedin/Instagram/etc). Our videos are equally effective on all platforms, making them future-proof.

A combination of laser-focused messaging and repeatable implementation strategies makes this possible.

You wouldn’t trust a chef who doesn’t eat their own food. Why would you work with a video company that doesn’t use video to market themselves? 

We use video throughout our own marketing and sales process. Whether that’s through inbound or outbound systems. These are not just some theories we read somewhere. Every strategy you get from us will have been rigorously battle-tested to market our own business. 

And draws on data from lessons learned from our past and current clients to help us stay ahead of the curve constantly.

Only a few select strategies that meet our stringent cost and effectiveness criteria make it to the market.

Watch Our Client Case Studies

Watch our client case study videos to learn how you can add video to your sales process to give your sales an instant boost.

Want to work with us?

If you're ready to leverage the power of video to grow your business, then fill out our Discovery Form. If we know we can help you, we'll arrange a free 45 minute strategy session, where we'll show you how a bespoke video strategy built around your sales process will unlock its true potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

People love you for the value you bring to their lives. Not for your performances. Almost all our clients were not initially comfortable in front of the camera. But after the training we give them, they’re often surprised by how well they came off.

Yes, we have split payment options available. This will depend on the final package price. Speak to our team to find out details.

We have our own studio facility where we can record your interview. 

Alternatively, for clients wanting to be seen in an office setting, we’ve hired co-working office spaces for a few hours. This gave us all the footage we needed.

Hence not having an office space is never an issue.

We love funnels and websites. But without a powerful message that converts cold prospects into warm leads, no amount of optimisation will have any significant impact on your sales and bottom line.

On the other hand, a single Brand Story video, for example, can be used in ways that don’t even require a website or funnel. Our goal is to give you digital assets that maximise the systems you already have in place. Watch this video to learn more.

Referrals are one of the most powerful ways of growing. Because it involves the transference of trust.

But doing referrals the old way relied entirely on someone else being able to clearly describe what you do and why you’re so special.

With our videos, we enable you to do this yourself. At scale.

When someone wants to refer your services, they can use your video instead. Taking the pressure off them from having to come up with a good pitch.

And giving you a lead who is already presold on working with you.

So the answer is a resounding yes. Our videos supercharge your referral process that is already working.

Our strategies are built around identifying with your audience, changing their perspectives, and building trust with them before inviting them to join your sales journey.

This works because it simply follows the natural decision-making progression that we all go through leading up to a sale.

We are simply empowering your audience to make the right decisions.

Most video companies will tell you that you need a lot of videos to start getting any results. 

But with the right strategy, we show you how to start getting results with just a videos. Or sometimes even with a single one. And then scale your reach from there.

Watch these client case studies to see how we did just that.

We do it through a combination of powerful messaging and pin point distribution strategies.

Sure. Use this link to book a 15 minute meeting with us. This is not a sales call. We’ll be looking to find if we can help you first.

Just let us know what’s the best outcome you’re hoping to get from our meeting. This is so that we can both make the most of our time together.

Businesses that benefit most from our videos are high ticket service providers. 

They mainly struggle to convey their value, build trust and stand out in their marketplace.

 Typical examples: Coaches, Tradies, Course Sellers, Consultants, industry experts, Service providers, Authors and Keynote speakers.

With every video, we will give you very straightforward implementation steps to start seeing results in your existing sales process. Without making huge backend changes. We want to make your life simpler. The videos will be designed around your existing sales process.

Alternately, some of our packages come with fully done for you implementation. That way, you don’t have to invest in any other third party IT or marketing services.

While the majority of the video industry is advocating for shorter videos, what we’ve found is that longer videos convert way better. And they attract higher quality leads rather than price hunters.

The key factor is that the content needs to be relevant to your ideal customers. We do this by identifying their pains and desires on a granular level. Then position your solution as the obvious choice.

Short videos on the other hand are great for drawing attention. But run out of steam pretty fast as they can’t hold that attention and convert the viewer into a lead or a sale.

Ours is a hybrid model. We do a bit of both. Here’s some more detail below.

With every project, first you will always have an Australia based dedicated single point of contact who will be in charge of your entire project.

We have fully vetted camera operators in all the major Australian cities. So we’ll come to you where ever you are.

Then depending on the type of video project you want us to undertake, we tap into our verified network of editors, 2D/3D animations specialists, copywriters, colourists, actors, voiceover artists and various other skills worldwide to ensure only the best people are working on your project at all times.

This gives us the cost efficiencies of not having high overheads of hiring huge in-house teams. We simply pass on these savings to you.

Having a wider network also means you don’t have to be limited to the local talent. Especially with editing. You’ll always be matched with the best available worldwide.

Our back end systems ensure we always have smooth communication throughout the process with all our clients at all times.

This ensures you always get the best quality possible at the lowest possible price point in the shortest amount of time.

While these strategies do work for every business, we only partner with clients who we know will get an immediate return by working with us.

This is the only way we can build long-term relationships.

If we feel we are not going to be a good fit, we will point you in the direction of someone else who will be able to help.

No. We teach you how to use the video assets regardless of your audience size or following. These are the same methods we used in our own business, to grow from zero following.

The most important part is in being able to demonstrate value to your target audience and show them you care.

In a word, no. When we first started, we didn’t have a budget for ads. So we had to get creative in attracting the right type of audience without paying for ads. These are now still a big part of our own client acquisition strategy.

Our clients get clear implementation steps on how to do this by themselves with simple yet powerful step-by-step guides.

Having said that, we still love ads. It makes validated offers scalable. But we don’t recommend it to everyone.

The need for this will be identified in our strategy call, where you’ll get a very clear pathway on the best route forward. Right now, this call is for free. So make the most of it.

No you don’t. This usually depends on the type of video you’re making, the industries you’re targeting, the level of audience sophistication, your level of comfort in front of the camera and so on.

We would clarify this with you and advise you on the best practices depending on your situation.

In terms of building a brand, showing your face in front of the camera is always advisable. Because ultimately, humans will always buy from humans. It’s one of the biggest advantages of selling with video.

However for whatever reason, if you don’t want to show your face, then we have actors and voiceover artists who can be your brand representative. They can be hired as add ons to any of your video projects.

Most business owners we meet think that their story is not interesting for their customers to care.

The truth is if you have a working product/service and at least one happy customer, then you already have a story.

Chances are, you have several. We help you identify the ones that need telling. Watch this video to learn more.

Most of our clients end up being surprised by how powerful their own story is after they’ve watched it.

Our videos are built around your sales process with your message and offer being central to everything.
This means they do not depend on any trend or a social media platform being popular. They will work on all of them and even ones that haven’t been created yet.
As long as you have a service/product that your customers love, our videos will work to accelerate what’s already working for you.

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