We needed to essentially achieve two things with this project. Attract an interested audience to the website and then demonstrate value and trust with them.
And only then guide visitors to make a buying decision.
As Lawyerless.com.au were newly launching, they didn’t have an online audience. We needed to build one. This could have been done organically, but the quickest way to do it was by paid promotion. Jeff was comfortable doing this by himself.
The challenge was that with paid ads, Jeff would typically be competing with various other promoters on social media for the viewer’s attention.
So the videos needed to hook the audience, relate to their problem, change their perspective and then guide them to Lawyerless.com.au, which is where the buying decision is made. And this had to be done in a short space of time. We did it with a one-minute video. After watching this, people would be guided to the main website, where they would have the option to buy a subscription.
But no one buys just because you were able to draw their attention. Value needs to be demonstrated and trust needs to be built first.
This is exactly what our brand story video is designed to do. So we made this video and made it one of the first things that any new visitor would see when they visit the website.
That way, they would not have to go looking around the whole website where everything is. The video was able to condense everything in a way that the viewer understood their own problem with high legal fees and the need for it, built trust with Jeff through his personal story, showed what they’d be getting from buying the subscription, showed how Lawyerless.com.au was unique compared to other similar offers and then guided them to buy.
All of this was captured within a 3-minute video, which is now central to all of Lawyerless.com.au’s sales process. All our clients get clear instructions on how to do this.